Research Question 3

It is asserted that Qualified DC is better than DC because it allows for richer, deeper structured description of resources. Matchbox will be evaluated as a ‘second-generation’, QDC system. Matchbox records will be downward compatible and interoperable with standards-compliant DC records of existing subject gateways, libraries and other Australian (and international) collections. The value added by these enhancements will be investigated.

Note that in the original application we stated:

"Aboriginal cultures incorporate complex graphic, oral and symbolic systems, so images and sound are particularly appropriate to their communications styles. Matchbox will use a system that accepts, for any single resource, multiple records and languages, and incorporates multimedia and post hoc annotations. It will incorporate cross-cultural strategies, recognising and respecting Indigenous knowledge systems and processes through the production of a culturally appropriate taxonomy for the Laura cultural resources. These methods will simplify and enrich the conversion of knowledge into discoverable and accessible resources that contribute to the cultural capital of Australia."

In this context, note the new work of the French person who had made a CD recently...????

table of contents | introduction | administration | contacts | outcomes | research | participants | project schedule | innovation | regional involvement | publications | project scope